Difficulty Seeing

Difficulty Seeing

by Bro. Phillip
Photo by Mark Eder on Unsplash
I probably won’t be complaining about fog in East Texas any time soon. Why, you may ask? East Texas fog has nothing on Vancouver, BC, Canada fog.

On a recent trip to meet with church planters from the Send:Network of the North American Mission Board, I experienced something that I had never experienced before: real fog!
The group I was with was traveling to Vancouver Island, but we had to board a ferry to get there. It was pretty scary. We could not see much at all. At times, we were barely able to see the front of the vehicle we were driving. It made it difficult to navigate unfamiliar territory. Even simple lights and road signs were nearly impossible to see. We made it safely, but it was difficult.

Reflecting back on that experience, it is easy to see how we can feel this way when we are serving the Lord. There are days that it is hard to see what God is doing. We are bombarded by uncertainty, confusion, and missed turns that can leave us disoriented and fearful.
I’ve been there. If you’re honest, so have you. You may be there today. I want to share with you a little hope and encouragement for your journey. God is still there. He’s still on His throne. The cold hard truth is God didn’t ask our opinion about what He’s doing. He calls us to truth Him. Paul David Tripp states, “If you have grown to trust God's wise sovereignty more than you trust your individual control, you know grace has visited you.”

So what do we do in these times of life where it is difficult to see God working? Here are just a few:
  1. Pray (this seems obvious, but is often overlooked): Colossians 4:2. 
  2. Praise (often in difficult days we take our eyes off of Jesus): Acts 16:25-34
  3. Patient (yep, this one is tough): Romans 12:12
  4. Persevere  (ugh, that too? Yes): Galatians 6:9

God is at work even when it doesn’t look like He is. He’s still at work even when it doesn’t feel like He is. God has a plan. God has a purpose. God is calling us to faithfulness. Trust Him! In the end, all that we go through will be worth it!

You are loved and prayed for,


What a man is on his knees before God, that he is, and nothing more.” - Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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